Saturday, October 2, 2021

PART 2 - "The Great Reset" or "The Final Solution" ? Just a question

      Welcome to Part 2, where we will take a look at the possibility that a clever group of eugenicists and technocratic control thugs could thrust a control grid style program like "The Great Reset" on an unsuspecting world population using a pre-planned, deadly viral "pandemic" to instill fear, panic and unquestioned subservience to the "New World Order", that will Identify, Vilify, Nullify and eventually Destroy certain "un-desirable" subsets of our population.

     In part one I wrote about Aldous Huxley's, Brave New World and showed how his world was built on a population of genetically cloned citizens controlled  and "happy" all the time by the ingestion of a drug called "soma", as well as other drugs and activities.  The population numbers in this dystopian novel were fixed and maintained by the technocrats that controlled everything.  This is the type of world that the "New Worlders" like Klaus Schwab want for their "Great Reset", "Fourth Industrial Revolution" and the "Internet of Things" (IOT). The COVID19 Plan-demic is how they plan to get it.

     How do you suppose King Schwab is going to get you into a position where you "own nothing" and will be "happy about it".  I don't know about others, but I did not work my tail off for the last 50 years so Klaus could take it all from me and expect me to just let him have it.  If he thinks he's going drag everyone into some kind of dystopian life under a Hunger Games style regime, he's underestimated a good portion of us.  How could this be done on a worldwide scale?  What does Schwab and his buddies have up their sleeves now?  They would have to "Soma" all of us and they may have a way to do it already in the pipeline.

     Introducing Jose Manuel Rodriguez Delgado (1915-2011) Spanish Professor of Physiology at Yale University, well known for his research in "mind control" through electrical stimulation of the brain.  He was considered by his peers to be a "technological wizard" and eventually authored some 134 publications from 1950 to 1970 on electrical stimulation of cats, monkeys, and human beings.  Most of his work revolved around an invention he called the "stimoceiver" when installed as an implant in a subjects brain, could stimulate emotions and control behavior, producing mental and physical effects like pleasant sensations, colored visions, elation, deep concentration, odd feelings.  He found that not only could he elicit different emotions but could control specific physical reactions like the "clenching of a fist".  The "transmitter" installed in the brain could remain there forever, and it could be controlled by Radio Frequency (RF) transmission.

     He proved this through an experiment in public using a bull-fighting bull at a Cordoba breeding ranch in 1965.  He stepped into the bullfighter ring with a bull that had a "stimoceiver implant" in its brain and when the bull charged at Delgado, he pressed a button on a remote  control, stopping the bull in its own tracks. This event was taped for television and can still be seen online today.   

     Now for the important point - Delgado later learned that he could duplicate the results he got with the stimoceiver without any implants, using only electromagnetic radiation interacting with the brain.  He lamented the fact that he did not have access to electromagnetic radio wave technology while Franco was running Spain, he would have been able "to control him at a distance".   Delgado claimed here that he could control someone's mind at a distance using ONLY ELECTROMAGNETIC SIGNALS.  Why do you think the "Great Reset" cannot start until 5G communications are up and running world-wide?

     Recently, I found a short video online covering part of a "5G Forum in Chile", the man in the video (as I remember it was the President of Chile) was speaking to a very large audience and saying "5G technology can, through the properly programmed machines, read and manipulate our thoughts and feelings".  He continued on about the fact that this was a done deal for the future of Chile, that it would take place in the near future and said, "5G will become the new Nervous System of our future society".  This same type of description was used by a German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas during a forum in Germany where he said "5G is the Nervous System of our digital society and economy".

     The 5G technology rush to implementation began several years ago and stated goals indicate that there could be small 5G cell towers about every 300 meters on every street in every country.  These "small cell antennas" will bring a continuous exposure to 5G radiation to everyone living anywhere near one, resulting in increased cancer rates and an increase in other diseases.  According to doctors and scientists who specialize in the study of radiation exposure, 5G millimeter wave transmission has the power to change our bodies on a cellular level and according to expert Dr. Joel Moskowitz, 5G MMV's can make some pathogens resistant to antibiotics as well as compromising our immune system.  It is also noteworthy that the U.S. Government (and probably others) use MMV (MilliMeter wave voltage) weapons for crowd control, called "The Active Denial System" that focuses a 5GMMV beam that is capable of penetrating the skin causing burning and stinging. 

      Just being exposed on a constant basis to 5G signals is bad enough but there is evidence that COVID19 vaccine researchers are directly linked to scientists involved in Brain to Computer interface technologies (called "Neural Lace").  This is especially troubling when evidence also shows that the vaccines they are doing their best to mandate for every human being carries some type of mysterious "nanoparticles" and "graphene oxide" which could be used to connect a person to 5G technology.  Remember, Delgado said with this very technology, he could Control El presidente Franco "at a distance".  This "Brain to Computer" interface technology has been an ongoing pet project for those who would love to see the actualization of a transhumanist agenda.  

     You have to wonder why, for the first time in medical history, every human being must be vaccinated for a simple flu as soon as possible.  Could it be that what is in the vaccine will allow connection between the human and the 5G technological prison system they have built for the "Great Reset" or "Fourth Industrial Revolution".  They want to be able to track you and your activities via a smart grid, numerous satellites, and a personal identifier and eventually, to turn you off when they cannot control you.  The vaccine would be a perfect delivery system for that platform.  Just positing an idea for you to think about.    

     Just the other day I ran across an article on called "The Vaccine Contains Your Barcode" in which a contact of his sent a message to him with a dozen smartphone screenshots he snapped in front of a supermarket.  Evidently, for some reason the Bluetooth function on his smartphone was trying to connect to various individuals who were passing by where he was standing.  He noticed that the connection targets were not listed as one that normally tries to connect, like "headset", "phone", or "car hifi", etc.  Instead they are listed as MAC addresses, each MAC address appearing and disappearing as a particular person came into range and it did not apply to everyone.  The MAC address was apparently assigned to each individual person's physical body, meaning that the people themselves were the devices trying to "hook up" to the man's smartphone.  Either this is some elaborate hoax or the vaccines being given to certain people have some kind of of technology that assigns a device MAC address to the vaccinated person.  Easily trackable through 5G connectivity.  If true, this would be a good reason why everyone MUST be vaccinated - in order to be part of the IOT (Internet of Things), which is the track and trace control system for the New World Order.

     There has also been some talk of the graphene oxide nanoparticles being used in some way to control human population by causing a "Brain Tsunami".  Again, the discussion on this subject pertains to the hookup of populations to the 5G grid and what has been "signaled" by the President of Chile.  You can find all the details at .

     Now, I know for certain that some people who read the above are going to say "Why would anyone do something like what you are talking about?"   Same reason they do everything evil - Money.  Yes, I am a Bible believing Christian and I have read that book from Genesis to Revelation, every single word, more than once.  The Apostle Timothy said it all in 1 Timothy 6:10:   "the love of money is the root of ALL evil" and believe me this entire agenda is evil.  The first thing an investigator of a big crime does is to "Follow the money", so I have an example that might help you to understand my accusation.

     The majority of people who contracted COVID early on were treated with Ivermectin, or Hydroxy-chloroquine(HQ),  (I had COVID Feb to March 2021) and 1 course of HQ fixed me after the 2nd day of taking them, I feel great and have no problems, considering I have a major comorbidity, Diabetes and I am a Kidney transplant patient from Aug 2019, who's immune system is compromised.  COVID is practically wiped out in India where they told the WHO to cram the vaccine and mandated the usage of Ivermectin.  The Indian Bar Association (Lawyers, not drinkers) of Mumbai has brought criminal charges against the WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan for recommending against use of Ivermectin.  You Know how much Ivermectin costs in  Bangladesh?  Less than $2.00 for a 5 day course in a packet.  The CDC was recommending Remdesivir, the Ebola drug, which is toxic to the liver and costs over $3,100 for a five day packet!!!  Billions of taxpayer dollars were spent on Remdesivir which is totally useless for COVID-19 and your conservative FOX news has been a cheerleader for the Ebola treatment (Remdesivir) for a long time now.  As well, the WHO now says its useless against COVID19.

      I'll bet Fauci and company get a nice dividend from the sales of Remdesivir though, always follow the money first.

     That's enough for part 2, in part 3 I will try to explain a little about the disease and the "Trojan horse" in the "cure".  For now think before jabbing.


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