Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Part 3 - "The Great Reset" or "The Final Solution" - Just a question

     In Part two, I discussed the fact that the new 5G technology that has been shoved down our throats over the last few years has been defined by many as "the nervous system" for the future world economic platform in which the average citizen will "own nothing and be happy about it" while giving homage to self appointed Nazi style rulers like Klaus Schwab (who, founded the WEF and  incidentally inherited a family business in Germany as a young man that was building and selling nuclear weapons to the South African government - Old Klaus, raised as a German Jew, is a true believer in a master race and complete control over the masses, especially racially "impure" masses).   

     This 5G technology was quickly pushed through and instituted under the Obama administration by an Obama appointee to the FCC.  Tom Wheeler was appointed the FCC Chairman in November of 2013 and immediately started forcing the approval of the 5G technology rollout.  All of our Government regulating agencies eventually end up with chairmen who come from highly placed positions in the industry they regulate.  Positions that made them wealthy and powerful in that industry - Wheeler was the President of the National Cable and Telecommunications Association (a lobbying group), therefore it benefitted him to fast-track any legislation and remove any regulatory obstacles that might hinder the industry that he comes from.  It works the same way in the CDC, FDA, etc...Just do the research, these agencies become revolving doors - There are some who bounce back and forth their whole careers from Industry Leadership to Regulatory agency and back, deregulating some and regulating others.  Again, Follow the money.

     The safety of 5G signals awash all over the atmosphere of the earth has been questioned by experts in the field since day one but has been ignored by government agencies and especially by Mr. Wheeler, who was in charge of the agency tasked with guaranteeing the safety and regulation of the airwaves.   During his introduction of the 5G rollout he gave a speech and said, in part, "...If something can be connected, it will be connected...unlike other countries... we won't wait for standards".  Why the big rush?  Money for one thing, but when Obama and others like Bill Gates and George Soros are involved,  you can bet there is some kind of population control agenda on the table (not just reduction, CONTROL - there is a difference).

     Before I go too much further here, I want to just hit the subject of vaccines for a bit.  In the past, as far back as the 17th century, vaccines have been used and were described as far back as 1799 as "the preparation and use of a virus for the purpose of innoculation against a target disease", the same Oxford dictionary defines a "Virus" as a "poison produced in the body as a result of some disease, especially one that can be introduced into other persons or animals by innoculation or otherwise and of developing the same disease in them" - from 1728 AD.  

     They knew back then by experimentation that if you introduced a small amount of viral pathogen (an adjuvant) from an individual (or animal) that was ill with a particular disease, that in most cases, the "adjuvant" would aggravate the God given immune system of the person who was injected with it, initiating a biological attack response that would start the process of  building anti-bodies against the virus, giving the second person an immunity from the particular disease.  This is how the American way of vaccination started and worked for years, successfully, I might add.  (The example is obviously rudimentary and is meant to be).

      In the 20th century medical monopoly things started to change.  In the 1960's the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines were introduced and were given to 3+ million Baby Boomers like myself.  This vaccine used an adjuvant that was harvested from Rhesus monkey kidney cells.  At the same time, there was secret (Bio-weapons) research project going on in a New Orleans lab using a virus called SV-40 (simian virus 40) discovered in 1957 by Drs. Bernice Eddy and Sarah Stewart from the National Institute of Health (NIH) and it was known to be a "polyoma virus" (cancerous & tumor causing), the researcher in New Orleans was Dr. Mary Sherman from Tulane University.  Her research included the irradiation of the SV40 which evidently made the SV40 even more cancerous. 

      In 1960 Dr. Eddy (NIH) discovered that the monkey kidney cells used in Salk and Sabin Polio vaccines were contaminated with SV-40 and alerted the NIH who ignored her findings, would not withdraw the vaccine from market, and destroyed Eddy's career.  She had announced to them that in the 1980's there would be a cancer epidemic in America due to these vaccines - She was right.  

     A Quick Note:   In 1971 the United States Government declared a "War on Cancer" and designated the Memorial Sloan-Kettering (MSK) Cancer center in New York City as its primary research center.  Ten years prior, Chester M. Southam, a doctor conducting pioneering clinical research at MSK on virotherapy and cancer immunotherapy was experimenting on his patients and prisoners without their informed consent (A violation of the Nuremburg Code just to begin with - "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential").  He was busted in 1963, found guilty of fraud, deceit, and unprofessional conduct and given one year of probation - seriously?

     I bring this issue up because just over 60 years ago we had people researching and producing bio-weaponized agents from viruses in order to destroy others - in the above case the target was reportedly Fidel Castro.  The definitive book on this subject is Dr Mary's Monkey, by Edward T. Haslam.  It's a pretty good read.  The same thing is happening today at the CDC, NIH, Chapel Hill NC and many other labs around the world, including the WIV, Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

     With over 60 years of documented experimentation, practice and experience, I can guarantee they have this down to an art.  The point I would like to get across is that nefarious bioweapons research and production is going on, its called "Gain Of Function" research now and all of the Federal agencies are tasked to deny any of it exists and to protect it at all costs.  The SARS/COVID 2-19 are all part of the bioweapons process. 

     What does this story have to do with "The Great Reset" ?  Be patient here and give me a minute to weave this together, its complicated.  Well, like I always say - Follow the money - and the first task in identifying global money is to look for PATENTS (whenever I research an issue about certain harmful products, this is where I start).  Everything is global and financial today and new technologies are being discovered quicker than ever now, the patent system assures an inventor or corporation the ownership of an upcoming invention, product or procedure, and its generated income as well.  Patents today are very detailed and not too hard to find if you know where to look and there are two basic types, a country specific patent and a worldwide patent.  Just because a Patent exists does not mean the invention is finished - all the details are in the Patent.  A lot of things are Patented - Medical procedures, drugs, viruses, technological innovations, weapons of all types, etc... You would be surprised, there is a patent for ownership of EBOLA. 

     The patent number for the Ebola Virus is US20120251502A1 assigned to US Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) and the CDC.  It also names who invented it.  Did you understand that?  You cannot patent a natural occurring substance or ingredient, you can only "patent" an invention, telling you that EBOLA is man-made.  Dr. Anthony Fauci has numerous patents applied for since the beginning of the "pandemic" - Follow the money.

     There are two Patents that I would like to introduce to you.  The first one is a U.S. Patent  that was applied for by Microsoft (Bill Gates).  Patent # US20200097951 - a 2020 Patent entitled CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA.  The text is very small and hard to read.  There are 7 pages of tiny writing that discusses how this system is designed and how it operates.  At the bottom of the front page, under subtitle Related Patent Documents there is a Worldwide patent number WO2020060606 (Notice the 666), with the same Title as the U.S. Patent Cryptocurrency system using body activity data.

     Certain people have been experimenting with "Cryptocurrencies" for some years now anticipating (or rather Planning) the failure of the fiat currency system we are now subject to.  Part of the "Great Reset" is to eliminate fiat currencies and move to a worldwide "digital" currency - a cryptocurrency, an example being "Bitcoin" and another version called "Blockchain".  These documents suggest a "Blockchain" style of currency because of the convenience, control, surveillance and security it affords.  The Patents cover the complete system of payment and deduction of funds to human beings using BODY ACTIVITY DATA in what they term as "proof of work", that confirms certain assigned tasks have been completed (this assumes that we will be slaves apparently).  Once the task has been confirmed as complete, payment is assigned to a verified and surveilled "Blockchain" account that is assigned to the BODY performing the task and as a security measure is linked to the preceding "block" in the "blockchain".  All of the data being transferred via 5G communications systems to a central location for your area (lets call it Block 12)  This is why completion of the 5G rollout is imperative to them.

     Now, all of this body activity can be monitored via laptop, tablet, smartphone, smart TV and many other available "smart" devices like smart watches, heart rate monitors, EEG's, thermal sensors, ultrasonic sensors, functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) scanners, RFID scanners - any technology that can measure body activity.  For example, An FMRI measures body activity by detecting changes that are associated with BLOOD FLOW (which, btw, has become an issue with those who have been vaccinated with the current pandemic "solution"). has an example of how FMRI can measure brain activity associated with visual information and generate image data from that information.  Now, think about this for a minute and imagine that 5 out of the 7 billion people on the planet tells Schwab and Gates to shove it, not interested, I will toss all of my "smart" stuff and you will be S.O.L.  Well they thought of that, hence the Pandemic and the vaccine.

     The best, fastest, and more complete option to get everyone in a position for body activity monitoring is to inject some type of product into the human body that will be able to connect the body through any 5G connection in the vicinity (which WILL be everywhere), allowing the tracking, tracing, and ultimately complete control of the activity of the body through the means of "reward" and "punishment" via that same connection.  In the document they also mention the possibility of monitoring all of the Brainwave frequency bands to be able to interpret feelings, emotions, and intentions  (imagine a "pre-crime" interpretation here).  This will turn out to be future MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY surpassing the technology as dreamed of by Delgado, and the vaccine which does not prevent COVID19 infection, is being used as the delivery system for the connection to our brains and bodies.  All those refusing the vaccines will be left out of the next economic system, unable to buy or sell.  Sound familiar??

     I am theorizing some in this particular section:  There was a Supreme Court Case in 2013, Association for Molecular Pathology Vs. Myriad Genetics, INC., in which the court ruled that a process invented by Myriad was not patentable because the end result was still human DNA which cannot be patented because it is a "product of nature".  The suggestion was made that if the human genome was modified by transcription resulting in an RNA molecule (whose nucleotides form and INVERSE IMAGE of the DNA strand from which it was created).  The resulting product would be RNA that contained nucleotides corresponding only to exons from the original DNA strand, it becomes mRNA.  There is a process of creating synthetic DNA, well known in the field of genetics, beginning with an mRNA molecule, the result being (now pay close attention) AN INVERSE OF AN mRNA'S INVERSE IMAGE OF THE ORIGINAL DNA.  In other words, the result is an almost exact image of the original DNA, only without INTRONs and this new creation is called cDNA, complimentary DNA which, being a new creation CAN BE PATENTED.  

There is no discussion in the decision about how this process takes place, it only says that the process is well known throughout the genetic industry.  Can you imagine if merely injecting a human being with mRNA vaccines with additional chemicals that might start up a chain of genetic events making the subject become  a "Transhuman" being and hence able to be PATENTED??  I am not a geneticist, but I can read and research - It sounds to me like those who have taken the vaccine, over a period of time, with boosters, could reach a state at which they are considered 99% human and 1% something else making them Patentable and therefore owned by whomever owns the patent on whatever this new creation would be called.  Sounds crazy, right?  We have to think outside the box every once in a while.

     I ran across a 1981 quote about the future from a French Economist and Social Theorist named Jacques Attali who worked for French President Francois Mitterrand (1981-1991) and finished a particular speech about the future with the following:

     "We will find or cause something as a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn't matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatmentWe will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution.  The selection of idiots then takes care of itself:  You go to the slaughter by yourself"

        What does he mean by "the solution"?    Is the solution the culling of all those who elect to take the vaccine through medical problems caused by the shot?  Or is the solution to enslave everyone vaccinated under the "Great Reset", so they can take them out with the press of a button on a keyboard somewhere?   I'm just saying, The Lord shows me things I don't want to really see.

Till next time, keep your powder dry and your head down.







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